簡訊 :

河南洛宁政法委约谈郑幻同志 贫病交加拒赴约

Written on 2013年11月28日星期四 | 28.11.13

[ 时间:2013-11-28 22:54:09 | 作者:义工刘勇 | 来源:六四天网 ]
【天网河南讯2013-11-28】今晚22时35分,河南洛阳洛宁访民郑幻【河南郑幻绝食获释 内蒙赵艳波拘留10日】致电中国天网人权事务中心:我因病,无钱,无法准时到达石化稳定办。



湖北十堰公安接待日 两警察殴打柯玉才

[ 时间:2013-11-28 22:39:16 | 作者:义工刘勇 | 来源:六四天网 ]


8月22日11点,张湾分局纪委周书记说:你硬头皮告公安吃亏了,我们也叫你吃亏。病了快一年的时间天天在十堰市公安局门口求见领导,11月28日是领导接待日,却无领导接待,被逼之下我到市公安局门口。万万没想到将近6旬的老人被市公安局信访科区号045355 、045752的警察殴打,我到十堰市朝阳路派出所备案。

今晚,湖北洪湖计生受害者张文芳【湖北张文芳怀孕九月的孩子和器官被盗 又遭两会关押】来电,今天我去洪湖市政府,政府一官员命令一帮人把我抬信访局门外,下班了就无人管了,我现在还在信访局门外。

武汉拘留吴桂娥5人 成都吴萍拘留获释

[ 时间:2013-11-28 22:14:17 | 作者:义工黄琦 | 来源:六四天网 ]


【天网湖北讯2013-11-28】今晚19时37分,武汉维权人士吴桂娥【武汉吴桂娥10人北京请愿 郑州兑军勇等100人押久敬庄】致电中国天网人权事务中心:武汉拘留吴桂娥5人,成都吴萍拘留获释。


另据成都市双流县维权代表郭应良来电,今天上午9点,四川省双流县维权代表吴萍拘留期满获释【成都农民三中全会找希望 又拘留5人】,参与迎接吴萍同类人员有:赵先琼.幸国慧.庄富英.幸文容.胡金琼.干兴艳.江梅.李维国.张文全.陈大义.邬素群.袁忠秀.李代碧.陈国琼.王洪燕.刘开华.卢成员.

山东单县赵景华今晚来电,来电称,山东单县69岁失地农民李春华,因土地被抢,2013年8月14日向在单县视察的市县领导跪地喊冤,遭单县南城政府7、8人毒打一顿后、又被单县公安局南郊派出所拘留5日。李春华曾先后向单县县委县政府 信访局、12345市长热线、国家信访局反映无果。今天下午16时20分,李春华(13954071269儿子李学民15254038111)到中南海新华门找习主席喊冤被带走后失去联系。


China seeks to reform its petitioning system

[ 时间:2013-11-28 21:19:37 | 作者:DIDI TANG | 来源:ASSOCIATED PRESS ]

Petitioners with their own grievances hold protest outside the State Council Information Office in Beijing Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013. China is taking steps to reform its decades-old civil petitioning system, including diverting cases to courts and improving ways of lodging complaints online, so that citizens' grievances can be resolved more efficiently and social tensions alleviated. Didi Tang / AP Photo

A man walks past a petitioner covered with a blanket sleeps next to a wheelchair near the China National Petitioning Bureau in Beijing Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013. China is taking steps to reform its decades-old civil petitioning system, including diverting cases to courts and improving ways of lodging complaints online, so that citizens’ grievances can be resolved more efficiently and social tensions alleviated. Details on the new policy were announced at a news conference Thursday at a government compound in Beijing. Andy Wong / AP Photo

Petitioners with their own grievances stage a protest outside the State Council Information Office after China National Petitioning Bureau held a press conference on petitioning reform in Beijing Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013. China is taking steps to reform its decades-old civil petitioning system, including diverting cases to courts and improving ways of lodging complaints online, so that citizens' grievances can be resolved more efficiently and social tensions alleviated. Didi Tang / AP Photo

BEIJING -- China is taking steps to reform its decades-old civil petitioning system, including diverting cases to courts and improving ways of lodging complaints online, so that citizens' grievances can be resolved more efficiently and social tensions alleviated.

Details on the new policy were announced at a news conference Thursday at a government compound in Beijing where about a dozen protesters gathered to denounce the ineffectiveness of the petitioning system and air their own grievances in front of journalists.

Zhao Min, from Xingtai city in Hebei province, said she had tried unsuccessfully for 15 years to get local authorities to prosecute those responsible for the slaying of her son.

"I have been to every government department that I can go to, and I have filled out all the forms that I can fill out," Zhao said. "Still no one has been held responsible 15 years after my 16-year-old son was killed."

Government security guards in plain clothes darted through the crowd, seizing banners and posters from the petitioners.

Every year, millions of complaints are filed about what petitioners see as injustice or incompetence by local officials in issues such as land expropriation, forced home demolitions and labor disputes, or the failure of local authorities to prosecute crimes.

When they fail to get satisfactory answers, the petitioners often go to Beijing to appeal directly to the central government. When their grievances are still ignored, many camp out in Beijing in what is known as the petitioners' village. Activist Huang Qi estimates they number at least 100,000 in the country's capital, with many more making short trips to Beijing.

The system is criticized as ineffective, and local officials often try to prevent petitioners from going to the capital, including by detaining them in illegal "black jails."

Li Gao, a deputy director of the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, told the news conference that the central government will no longer rank local governments based on the number of petitions filed in Beijing, in hopes of deterring efforts by local officials to stymie petitioners.

Zhang Enxi, another deputy director of the agency, said the government will do more to refer the kinds of complaints that can be resolved through litigation to the courts. He said the bureau has set up an online platform to accept complaints and will work to improve its transparency, while urging local officials to be more proactive in addressing the grievances.

The moves came after China's top leadership said the government must innovate to improve its management so that it can better prevent and resolve social conflicts.

Huang, the activist, said the national office is only dancing around the real problem — that officials are biased in the way they resolve complaints. He said 70 percent of complaints involve abuse of power by local governments in land grabs and home demolitions. A common complaint among petitioners is that local government officials cover for each other.

"I can say the access (to lodge complaints) has always been good, but the issue is that the governments refuse to hold anyone accountable, even when the facts are clear," Huang said.

"And they are only playing a delaying tactic by diverting the cases to the courts," Huang said, saying this will not make matters any better, because of a lack of judiciary independence.

Also on Thursday, the ruling Communist Party's Discipline Inspection Commission announced that it is investigating Xu Jie, another deputy director of the State Bureau for Letter and Calls, for suspected severe violations of party regulations and state laws. The term usually refers to corruption charges.

The charges against Xu are unclear, but critics say the bureau is prone to corruption because local government officials offer bribes to squash complaints so that they can avoid accountability.


[ 时间:2013-11-28 20:32:47 | 作者:义工刘勇 | 来源:六四天网 ]


【天网辽宁讯2013-11-28】今晚20:31:04,吉林德惠市王国平【吉林王国平等闯中南海被拘 山东阻律师会见李向阳】致电中国天网人权事务中心:百余访民聚南湖宾馆,敲快板围巡视组。

来电称,今天上午10点许,百名访民在南湖宾馆门前围堵巡视组,喊冤,穿状衣,唱快版,见车就喊冤枉 。吴桂芝则高唱反腐歌曲,大家鼓掌,大声呼喊,好,打倒腐败分子。现场有警察四五十人没有干预 。中午12时左右,我们近50人闯进南湖宾馆,去吃饭。上百警察阻拦我们,问干嘛?我们说进宾馆吃饭。每位八十八元,官员能吃起,我们也能吃起。警察不让进,访民把钱掏出给警察看。我们花钱,带钱来的,你们当官的能在这里吃,我们怎么不行?写的是宾馆,没写党员干部专用啊?我说,你们当官能享受宾馆待遇,我们自己掏钱享受享受不可以吗?

下午近1时,警察又用车给我们送往光彩大厦登记。我们德惠和长春公安劝阻不让登记说,省厅长和局长在,让我谈谈,我不谈,早干嘛了【吉林中院迅即转变态度 理性接待访民】,登记后,我就回来了。


协助采访巩进军杀保安案 河南程俊青被抓

[ 时间:2013-11-28 20:13:16 | 作者:义工蒲飞 | 来源:六四天网 ]

【天网河南讯2013—11—28】今天夜间,河南鹤壁访民时育红【河南鹤壁市时育红补偿款被截 携子女请愿】致电中国天网人权事务中心:河南访民程俊青遭抓捕。


据悉,程俊清在今年多次进京上访被截访,曾成功逃脱截访人员抓捕。在河南访民巩进军杀死黑保安案爆发后【河南访民巩进军押返途中杀黑保安 1死1伤】,程俊清多次协助媒体采访,此次被抓可能与协助采访有关。

浙江刑拘郑建芳抓走家父 在京11访民声援

[ 时间:2013-11-28 19:52:24 | 作者:义工黄琦 | 来源:六四天网 ]






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