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The Starting Point for Chinese Political Reform Should be Protecting the Interests of the People on the Lowest Rungs of Society

Written on 2012年4月21日星期六 | 21.4.12

作者:64tianwang | 来源:64tianwang

Chinese 中国政改出发点应当是捍卫底层民众利益

[April 20, 2012 by Tianwang Commentator]Who benefits from reform? Who loses from reform? This is the most important question about reform. In the past, the effectiveness of reforms has been low. The main reason for that is that in the reform process, protection of the fundamental interests of people on the lowest rungs of society has never been one of the most important objectives of reform.

The legitimacy of future reform of the political system should be assessed by whether or not reforms place the masses who have suffered in earlier reforms among the beneficiaries of reform. In asssessing the course of over three decades of Chinese reform and opening, we see tns of millions of peasants who have lost their land, tens of millions of demobilized soldiers, over 100 million workers who lost their jobs, and hundreds of millions of low-level workers in many organizations who lost their jobs due to retrenchments. These Chinese citizens are those who Chinese officials and some non-officials as well, call the people who have been harmed by the reforms that are bringing about the glorious restoration of China. It maybe be said that China's three decades of reform and opening has been for hundreds of millions of people at the lowest rungs of Chinese society is "Shedding blood, sweat and tears beneath the neon lights and being treated unjustly as high-rise buildings sprout everywhere."

Leafing through the calendar to the year 2012, there are now rumors of signs of a restart of political reform which has stagnated for a long while. Standing at the crossroads of an historic decision, we need to clarify just what is the purpose of the rumored start of political reform. Who will take the lead in these reforms? Who will be the winners and who will be the losers?

Examining the rumors of political reform circulating among the people, their focus of most of them are on higher-level questions. Some friends even propose policies to officialdom. They say that in order to ensure that reforms can get under way smoothly, guns should be turned towards the lower strata of society, towards those "petitioners who are bring up their cases at higher levels for no good reason". These people say that these kind of obstacles and noise should be swept way for the sake of political reform.

The China Tianwang Human Rights Center fears that this means that there are some officials and other people belonging to various interest groups worked together to prepare an action against the lower strata of Chinse society and the political reform websites of the people's right protection resistance that is gradually being implemented.

In today's Chinese society, and for the hundreds of million people in the lowest strata of Chinese society, a return to the days of the Culture Revolution is only a distant prospect but the harms they suffer to their interests is always close by. If the reforms that these people are expecting are lost to fantasies of re-structuring at higher levels and the appeals of the the lower strata are ignored, then this will be essentially the tragedy of a party for a minority while the majority is reduced to tears. The lessons of the history of the literate peoples show us that any reform that starts out by sacrificing the interests of the lowest strata of society foreshadows a great tragedy of historic proportions.

We have arrived at a great historic crossroads. We sincerely hope that political reform this time will bring for all the various nationalities of China a full guarantee of the rights and interests of the lower strata of Chinese society and will bring us forward to a win-win future.

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